Sep 30, 2010

Art of Photoshop

Well as I promised, just created another piece of art.
Done it back last week but don't have time to post it up.
So now it is XD

Quote of the post:
A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind ~Eugene Ionesco

Sep 14, 2010


Well as you can see this is actually my first art work through photoshop.
Just only learned all the basic to create a masterpiece...

I created this picture to remind myself that I need to do full preparation before the day arrives
More masterpiece to come
So just wait ya =)

Quote of the post:

Set a reminder to remind yourself of something very important

Sep 2, 2010

Full Stopped....

Phew.... Phew... Phew...
At last my final piece of paperworks are completed...
Sacrifice my precious 3 days time to complete it.
Sigh all my time for revision for trials just gone like that.
Now I'm 3 days closer to second trials d which left me 18 days to prepare for it.
but its okey, I'm happy as long I did something which is beneficial for the unit before I leave the school.

Can you see how thick is it.... O.o Finished in 3 days

So I hope that they will appreciate what we all have sacrificed and done for the unit.

Quote of the post:

"3 pairs of hands are better than a pair of hands"