This are the words of encouragement/ support i give to my fellow juniors....
Okay next, we all heading to astaka for perhimpunan (as usual boring talk...zzz)
when we reach there we gather our marchers coz later need to perform march pass for the VIP to see... so we got our 22 marchers...
Our 2 days of training and rehearsal turned useless after the HM announce that all the member every badan uniform have to march...
3 words came out of my mouth 'WHAT THE HELL'
Gone case d... X.x
Dun ask me the performance... I dun wan to remember also.
As you know VIP very sumathi sumathi wan.... not on time wan... we wait for so long.... until 8.10 something ( i didn't wear my watch) HM said carry on... cannot wait d
After all those perhimpunan... we went to our section (RC section)
waited there for so long the VIP didn't come down to view yet.... =.='
Mana tau... they got problems with the form which send by our HM ( wrong form) =_="
so they discuss until 12 something...
We also very tired of waiting we go rest at our Sick Bay...
I as usual I'll do My SEC stuff....
Wasted my time only...swt
Skipped whole School Lession...haiz
After school bell rang... RC metting on...
This are some pictures taken by Aaric Goh during the meeting:
Taking attendance of the members.
Reading some documents...
Haha... We three sahaja-sahaja marching ^^
Kenny: You are going down!!! O.o
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