Today I was so busy and very tiring...
Morning we got marching practice for the Hari Kecermerlangan Kokurikulum which will be held next Monday..
First, we together we called up all the members for the marching practice... After we gatherd everyone, Jonathan started to command "Masuk Baris".
As you know la.. they take their sweet time and when almost 1 d they baru serious =.=
After that, we do a few rounds of warm upping and while I train up Boon Leong..=.=
Later, Mr Ong Beng Soon call us to get into our line and start the rehearsal.
Jonathan called me to be the TIMER..swt swt.. Okey.. so I push all my voice for this rehearsal from start till the end of it. Now no voice d... my voice lari d ==
After the marching rehearsal, I resting under a tree. Enjoying the view of the grand old lady and feel the cool air breeze... so relaxing
After that I went to sickbay do planing stuff for Hari Koko.
PK Koko Lee made an announcement:
'Diminta President & Setiausaha Badan Beruniform pergi ke bilik saya sekarang juga'
OMG... What she wants us to do again...haiz
Then me and Jonathan went to find her.. O.o she need us to type the cert for hari koko... Typing and typing until the school finish...
Today school finish @ 2pm but i go back @ 2.40pm.
Ah la mak... Peng Chew homework haven't complete yet... must faster do or not later got his tuition....
Got to go complete his homework d...
Looking through the Eyes: the Ophthamology
9 years ago
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